M.D., PH.D.
Eliezer Ben Yehuda 79
Hertzlya 46403
972-9-9543354 / 972-9-9543242
I was born on November 1929, despite a mostly life behind me I prefer to think that my centenarian age will not be a surprise.
In the following 6 years I have a very charged program which contains: futuribles, utopias, uchronias and dum spiro spero.
Time being let me present my biography:
I have received my doctorate in medicine degree cum laude, from the University Babesh-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca in Romania 1954. I was appointed instructor of neurology in my 5 year of medicine. Resident of Neurology- at the Neurological Institute of Academy 1956. Doctor in Science at the University C.I.Parhon Bucharest, 1969. Chairman of the department of Neurology at the Universitary Hospital Băneasa Bucharest. In 1972 I emigrate to Israel and was appointed as neurologist at Ichilov Hospital-Tel-Aviv University. Researcher in Neuroscience at Weitzman Institute 1974-1975. In 1981 appointed Associated Prof. of Neurology at Mount-Sinai School of Medicine NY University. I participate in the project of Prof. Melvin Yahr and Prof. Eliot Weitzman "Sleep in Parkinsonian patients". Nominated Director of the Sleep Medicine Center at the Sheba Medical Center in 1985 I have organized the courses in sleep medicine at the Tel-Aviv University. In 1986 nominated Professeur Agrege at Pierre et Marie Curie University, Clinique Charcot. In 1995 nominated Clinical Professor of Neurology at Sackler School of Medicine TAU. Professor of Forensic Science at the Faculty of Law Bucmann, Tel-Aviv University. As a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and member of the American Neurological Association I served on numerous national and international committees. Author of 35 books, 32 chapters in books, 112 original scientific articles & case reports in the field of Neurology and Sleep Medicine, 890 articles in various journals, 82 interviews, 221 active participations in National and International congresses. 46 invited lectures.
School of Medicine – University of Cluj –Roumania – MD 1954
Residence of Neurology – Neurological Institute of the Academy – 1956
University Parhon Bucharest – D. Sc. – 1969
Researcher in Neuroscience at Weitzman Institute 1974-1975.
Sackler School of Medicine TAU. Lecturer and Senior Lecturer 1976-79
Mount-Sinai School of Medicine NY University- Associated Prof. 1981
Pierre et Marie Curie University Professeur Agrege – Clinique Charcot 1986
Sackler School of Medicine TAU. Professor of Neurology 1995
Chairman of the Neurological Department at CFR2 Hospital Bucharest
Chairman of the Sleep Medicine Institute at Sheba Medical Center
President of the Israeli Sleep Medicine Association
President de l’Association Israelienne d’Aide des Medecins Emigrants #
VicePresident of the Asian Sleep Research Society
Editor in Chief of the ASRS Newsletter
Member of the Appeal Commission - Court of Law - Rishon Lezion
Member of the Tel-Aviv Journalists Association
Member of the Superior Appeal Commission for Disabled IDF Staff
Chairman of the Superior Appeal Commission - Ministry of Health
Chairman of the Superior Appeal Commission of the Social Security
Membre d'honneur de la Societe Francaise de Neurologie
Associated Member of the American Academy of Neurology
Honorary Member of the Academy of Men of Science of Romania
Honorary Member of the Roumanian Society for Cell Biology
Member of the Editorial Boards of:
1.Int.J.of Sleep Medicine
2.Int. J. of Neurobiology
3.Int. J. Sleep Research On Line
4.Journal of Rhinology
5.Magazin Clipa
Constitutive Member of the Israeli Chapter of Forensic Sciences
Member Honoris Causa of the Roumanian Academy
Member Honoris Causa of the Barcelona Academy
Professor of Forensic Science at the Faculty of Law Buchmann, TAU.
1964 - La Medaille des Journées Internationales de Grenoble – France
1978- Yamanashi Medical College Diplome of Excellence
1981 - Honor Citizen of the City of Yeruham – Israel
1992- Indian Society of Sleep Research Diploma of Excellence
1995 - Medaille Piere Castaigne – France
1997 - Merit Certificate of the Ministry of Education of Israel
1999 - Officier de l'Ordre de Mono – Togo
2000- Tokyo Medical and Dental University Diplome of Honor
2001 - Diplome d'honneur de l'AMIF – France
2003 - Meritul Academiei Romane – Romania
2012 - Crystal Trophy & Diploma of Excellence of Medical Life Gala 2012 – Romania
2013 - Decorated by the President of Romania with „Meritul Sanitar” rank „Officer”
2016 - Membre d'Honneur de l'Academie Romania
2017 - Comandeur de l'Ordre de Mono – Togo
2017-Indian Society of Sleep Research
25 Glorious Years (1992-2017) for Growth of Sleep Medicine in India
2018 - Membro Honorario de la Real Academia Barcelona
2018 - Prize of Excelence „Augustin Buzura” – Romania
2019 - Prize Pierre Werner
2019 - National Bank of Romania Centenar Medal
2022 - Premiul de Excelență în Cultură și Știință (Contemporanul 2022)